Under the direction of the Executive Board of EAA and the parent volunteer coaches, the EAA oversees all extra-curricular athletic programs for the 4th grade students at Pleasant Valley, East Park and East Dale Elementary schools and the
5th and 6 th grade students at East Fairmont Middle School.
Mission Statement
To offer amateur sports programs through a volunteer base for all people to have the physical, mental, and moral development of amateur athletes and to promote good sportsmanship and good citizenship.
The membership consists of the Executive Board of the EAA, all parent volunteer coaches, and
parents and/or legal guardians of any student actively enrolled in extra-curricular sports at East Park,
Pleasant Valley, East Dale and East Fairmont Middle School. All major decisions concerning EAA will be
brought to a vote in a general meeting. All matters voted on during a meeting will be made by those
members in attendance and will stand with a majority vote. If you cannot make the meeting and wish to
vote on a matter, you may deliver, to any EAA Executive Board member, a proxy vote.